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Who is Doug Collins

Author & Expert in The Feel Great System

Learn More About Doug Collins

Author & Expert in The Feel Great System

Doug Collins and his wife seated on an oversized blue Adirondack chair, showcasing the balance and joy from the Feel Great System.

Logos of CTV, CBC Radio, CBC News, Brunswick News, and The Chronicle Herald, showcasing Doug Collins' media features.

Mobile view of media logos including CTV, CBC, and The Chronicle Herald highlighting Doug Collins' media presence.

Hello, I'm Doug Collins. Welcome to my website. You may be here because you're looking for answers, just like I was all those decades ago. Health information can be confusing, and it often conflicts from one source to another. I do get it!

From weight fluctuations to raising three children as a single dad, my story is one of resilience and growth. I invite you to join me on a path filled with learning science-based information, overcoming struggles, finding transformation, and achieving triumph—all leading to the Feel Great System. 

Since 2010, my journey has been featured on various media platforms including podcasts, magazines, TV, radio, and newspapers, amplifying my message and reinforcing the Feel Great System as a tool for better health and lifestyle.

Doug Collins went from corporate executive to home-based entrepreneur and best-selling author as featured in the Chronical Herald Newspaper (Nova Scotia, Canada) and the website on January 23, 2023

 In May 2023, I authored the Amazon #1 New Release "Beyond Feel Great," a testament to my commitment to educating and supporting others on their journey to wellness.

My Journey to Feeling Great

In my late 20s and 30s, I battled weight fluctuations and chronic health issues. Juggling a demanding career and parenting, my health suffered. A turning point came in 2008 with Bios Life Slim (now Unicity Balance), leading to weight loss and renewed self-confidence. This success led me to pursue my dream of self-employment, focusing on health principles.

Inspired by a health conference in 2015, I doubled down and broke generational patterns of poor health. Even my doctor's praise confirmed that prioritizing my health was the right decision.

Life's challenges, from personal health struggles to raising three children, taught me resilience and empathy. The Feel Great System journey offers us life solutions, it's not just a health program. Yes, it has helped me lose 100 pounds (45 kg), but it has changed my life forever in so many other ways. 

I've since dedicated myself to developing resources that educate and support those interested in their health, through leveraging the Feel Great System. From hundreds of blog articles on this website to free downloadable resources like eBooks and instructional tools, I provide personalized guidance and tools to empower you on your health journey.

Stay tuned for even more resources including new books coming soon, as my goal is to provide even more value to those interested in the Feel Great System.

Your Path to Feeling Great Starts Here

If you're struggling with your health, know that I've been there, and together, we can move you on a path to feeling great.

I'm here to be your guide, support, and companion in this journey towards better health with the Feel Great System. Let's embark on this journey together, drawing strength from our shared experiences.

Are you ready to take control of your health? With the Feel Great System and my personalized guidance, you can transform your life. Let's begin this journey together. Your path to better health starts here! If you have any questions, please reach out. My contact information is below, and I personally respond to all messages. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Get Feel Great Now!

Doug's Exclusive Resources

These exclusive Feel Great System resources authored by Doug Collins will empower you with practical knowledge to enhance your Feel Great System experience, ensuring you have the best success.

Three books by Doug Collins, 'Feel Great System - The Complete eBook Guide', 'The Essential Feel Great System Income Option eBook Guide', and 'BEYOND FEEL GREAT' published book, showcasing the Feel Great System.

Are you tired of the endless battle with cravings? The Feel Great System empowers you to make your weight loss journey not just manageable, but enjoyable and effective.

Feel Great System eBook

This exclusive eBook is a comprehensive guide is a valuable resource for those looking to understand the Feel Great System history, science and health benefits. Download now!

Frustrated with fluctuating blood sugar levels? Enhance your body's natural ability to regulate blood sugar efficiently, opening doors to a life of stability and energy.

Beyond Feel Great Book 

Discover the real secrets to better health with 'Beyond Feel Great: The Real System to Unlock the Secrets to Better Health', a pivotal guide in support of the Feel Great System, renowned for its unique approach to weight loss, diabetes management, and heart health. Order now!

Say goodbye to the highs and lows. Maintain your blood sugar within healthy ranges and experience a newfound sense of balance and well-being.

Feel Great System Income Option eBook

The exclusive Income Option eBook provides guidance on turning your Feel Great experience into a rewarding income opportunity. Download now!

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