Feel Great System Study: Boost Your Heart Health in 60 Days | Unicity Unimate & Balance
Apr 15, 2023
Are you searching for a scientifically-backed method to boost your heart and metabolic health? Look no further than Unicity's 'Feel Great System.'
This innovative system, featuring Unimate yerba mate and Balance fiber supplements, has demonstrated significant health benefits in a 60-day study.
Unicity International remains at the forefront of health innovation, continuously validating the efficacy of their Feel Great System through rigorous scientific inquiry. The latest in a series of studies, recently released, offers further evidence of the benefits of the Feel Great System.
Study Overview: Unicity's Commitment to Heart Health
The study, titled "The 'Feel Great' Program Improves Cardiometabolic Health Outcomes in Healthy Adults," was conducted by a team of experts including Dr. Stephanie Kung, Robert K. Poon, and Dr. Erin Glynn. This research, meticulously conducted by Unicity's Scientific Research & Development Team, was designed to rigorously assess the impact of the Feel Great program over a 60-day period.
The study's methodology involved an open-label study with 42 healthy individuals aged 20-65. The participants engaged in the Feel Great program, which included the daily intake of Unimate yerba mate in the morning and Balance fiber matrix before meals, as well as an overnight fast of 14-16 hours. Measurements were taken at the outset, midway, and upon completion of the study to measure weight, waist circumference, blood lipid levels, and percent hemoglobin A1c.
The study's results indicate substantial improvements in key metabolic health markers. Notable enhancements in blood lipids, triglycerides, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were recorded, alongside reductions in body weight and waist circumference.
Key Findings: Cholesterol and Weight Loss Success
The study's objective was to observe cardiometabolic health changes in participants who incorporated daily supplementation and intermittent fasting into their routine. Notable enhancements in blood lipids, triglycerides, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were recorded, alongside reductions in body weight and waist circumference.
Measured Outcomes and Results:
- Weight and Waist Circumference: Significant reductions were observed.
- Cholesterol Levels: Total, non-HDL, and LDL cholesterol levels decreased notably.
- Blood Sugar Control: Triglycerides and HbA1c levels showed substantial improvements.
- HDL Cholesterol: Participants experienced an increase in this 'good' cholesterol after 60 days.
These results were especially pronounced in participants with initially higher levels of non-HDL cholesterol, showcasing the program's potential for those at risk.
The Power of Unimate and Balance: A Closer Look at the Ingredients
The Feel Great System's products are designed to deliver polyphenolic compounds beneficial for cardiometabolic health. Unimate, a unique yerba mate extract, is rich in chlorogenic acids, caffeine, theobromine, and mate saponins. Balance provides 4 grams of fiber from diverse sources, along with essential minerals, vitamins, policosanol, phytosterols, and chrysanthemum morifolium extract.
Implications for Cardiometabolic Health
The implications of this study are significant for those seeking to improve their cardiometabolic health. The research addresses the global obesity epidemic and related cardiometabolic diseases, exacerbated by poor diets and sedentary lifestyles.
The Feel Great System, with its combination of high-fiber diet and time-restricted eating, has shown to be an effective strategy for managing health markers associated with cardiovascular and metabolic health.
Unicity International's commitment to advancing health through scientific research is evident in their ongoing studies. The recent findings from the "Feel Great" program study not only reinforce the value of Unimate and Balance in a health regimen but also highlight Unicity's dedication to providing evidence-based solutions for cardiometabolic health.
The 'Feel Great System' stands as a testament to Unicity's commitment to heart and metabolic health. If you're ready to embark on a journey toward a more vibrant and healthy life, the 'Feel Great System' could be your starting line. Experience the benefits firsthand and take a proactive step towards a heart-healthy future.
Further Exploration: Feel Great System eBook Available
To gain a deeper understanding of the Feel Great System and its principles, I created an extensive Feel Great System eBook that serves as a guide to making informed decisions about your health and well-being.
This eBook is more than just a collection of information; it's a comprehensive tool that complements the findings of the Unimate study. It provides practical advice on incorporating Unimate into your daily routine, insights into the science behind the Feel Great System, and tips for maintaining a balanced and health-forward lifestyle.
Get your copy of the Feel Great eBook now and take the next step in expanding your health knowledge. With Unicity International's ongoing studies and my comprehensive resources provided here on this website, you're not just following a health trend; you're part of a Feel Great community dedicated to scientific substantiation and genuine well-being.
Related Articles:
- Only 7% of American Adults Have Good Cardiometabolic Health: Tufts Researchers
- The Cleveland Clinic Study: Unicity Balance (Bios Life) for Cholesterol
- The University of Sydney Study: Unicity Balance Fiber Matrix
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