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Unicity and Rexall: The History Behind the Feel Great System

feel great system unicity balance unicity unimate Oct 05, 2021
the unicity international story starting out as Rexal Drug stores selling Bios Life Diet now called Balancel.

Discover how Unicity International, rooted in the legacy of Rexall, has transformed the health industry with the revolutionary Feel Great System.

In this article, we'll cover into the rich history of Unicity International and its deep-rooted connection to the iconic Rexall brand. Learn how Unicity's Feel Great System, that include Unicity Balance and Unimate, continues a century-old legacy of quality and innovation, providing effective health solutions for managing diabetes, cholesterol, and overall well-being

Unicity International's Legacy & Unicity Rexall Connection

Unicity's journey began over a century ago, rooted in the legacy of the first Rexall drugstore opened in 1903. Known for its trust and reliability, Rexall grew into a household name in North America with over 25,000 franchise stores. These stores provided hope and freedom to business entrepreneurs, offering them a chance to take control of their lives and financial futures.

Unicity, carrying forward this legacy, has become synonymous with quality and innovation in health supplements. The Unicity Rexall connection is evident in their commitment to improving lives through science-backed health solutions. For those exploring the Rexall protocol where to buy, especially products tailored for diabetes, Unicity's Feel Great System is available through their direct sales model. This system is a modern iteration of the Rexall products for diabetes, reflecting a legacy of quality and trust.

Vintage photo of a Rexall drug store, showing the history of Unicity International, a health company with a rich history spanning over a century.

The Innovation of Bios Life Diet: A Scientific Partnership with Rexall

In 1986, scientists at the University of Santa Barbara were conducting research using natural fibers to manage serum cholesterol. They developed a promising formulation that offered a unique way to support healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Rexall Drugs partnered with the University and Bios Life Diet was born.

The Innovation of Bios Life Diet: A Partnership with Rexall 

However, when Bios Life Diet was initially placed in retail stores across the United States, it didn't sell as well as expected. While the product had been endorsed by professionals for its unique qualities, it needed more explanation than what the traditional nutrition label could offer.

As a result, in 1989, a new person-to-person direct sales process was implemented as part of a new Rexall Drugs division, called Rexall Showcase. This model gave people the opportunity to connect with others, explain why Bios Life Diet differed from generic supplements, and offered an income opportunity around the world.

Unicity Balance: A Natural Health Revolution

Unicity Balance, a direct descendant of the Bios Life Diet originally a Rexall product, is a clinically proven natural fiber supplement that supports weight loss, energy increase, and better blood chemistry control. It's a testament to Unicity's dedication to natural, effective health solutions, reflecting decades of research akin to a Rexall diabetes cure, focusing on natural, effective blood sugar management.

Unicity Balance is a clinically proven to supports weight loss, better blood sugar and cholesterol control. It offers a natural alternative to commonly prescribed drugs like Metformin and Glyburide for type 2 diabetes and Statin medications for cholesterol management. To compare the benefits of Unicity Balance to these drugs, we can examine their effectiveness in managing blood glucose (Metformin vs. Unicity Balance, Glyburide vs. Unicity Balance) and cholesterol levels (Statin Drugs vs. Unicity Balance).

Unicity weight loss products, including the Unicity Balance for weight loss, offer a scientifically backed approach to weight management. These products continue the ethos of comprehensive care and effectiveness seen in Rexall's history, providing a natural solution for those on their weight loss journey.

So, what makes Unicity Balance stand out from other supplements in the market? The answer lies in the product's timeline history and studies. Let's take a closer look.

The Evolution of Balance: From Bios Life Diet to Unicity Balance

An infographic timeline showcasing the evolution of Rexall-Unicitye, starting from Rexall BIOS LIFE DIET 1987 through to UNICITY BALANCE 2022, with images and notes on formula enhancements and rebranding, exclusively created by Doug Collins.

Bios Life Diet was introduced in 1986 as the first generation of Balance. It was marketed as a weight management supplement that helped lower the glycemic index of foods and provide satiety. Bios Life Diet was a game-changing product in the making.

In 1994, Unicity created Bios Life 2, which quickly became the only non-prescription product in the United States to obtain patents for its cholesterol-lowering ingredients. Healthcare and medical professionals worldwide started recommending Bios Life 2 to their patients.

In 2006, Unicity researchers identified three additional approaches for lowering harmful cholesterol levels and combined these methods with the effectiveness of Bios Life 2, creating Bios Life Complete. No other natural product has had the same success in reducing harmful cholesterol levels.

In 2008, Unicity launched a new generation of the patented Bios Life Complete formula, branding it as Bios Life Slim. Bios Life Complete and Bios Life Slim were two of the company's most popular products. This enhanced new Bios Life Slim was clinically proven to melt away belly fat and lower cholesterol. Studies were being published through the world's leading research institutes, which include The Angeles University foundation Medical Centre, Stanford University, The Cleveland Clinic, University of Texas, and The University of Washington.

In 2011, Unicity rebranded Bios Life Slim to Unicity Balance as it was more than just a weight loss product. Some of Unicity's global markets still have the Bios Life Slim branded packaging, but it is the same formulation as Unicity Balance.

The tradition of Rexall fiber solutions and its protocol for heart disease aligns with Unicity's use of natural fibers in their products. This continuity ensures that the legacy of comprehensive care and focus on dietary changes lives on through Unicity's offerings.

Unimate Yerba Mate: A Breakthrough Continuing the Rexall-Unicity Tradition

'What is Unimate?' is a question many health enthusiasts ask. As a highly concentrated form of yerba mate, Unimate's benefits include increased energy and improved metabolic health. It's a powerful addition to the Feel Great System, advancing Unicity's commitment to innovative health solutions.

In 2017, Unicity launched Unimate, a first-of-its-kind enhanced yerba mate drink. Grown in South America, Unimate undergoes a 5-step patented process to make it 375 times more effective than traditional yerba mate. The Unimate drink benefits are vast, from increased energy to improved metabolic health, making it a cornerstone of the Feel Great System.

The Feel Great System incorporates Unimate into the daily regimen, enhancing the traditional Rexall protocol for diabetes management. This approach is an acknowledgement to the original foundation of the Rexall drugs diabetes protocol, offering a natural, innovative solution for today's health challenges.

The Feel Great System: Unicity Balance Meets Unimate

A photo showcasing three products. On the left, there's a deep blue hardcover book titled 'PHYSICIANS DESK REFERENCE' with 'PDR 2017' at the top. In the center, there's a refreshing glass of orange drink accompanied by sliced oranges. To the right, there are two white boxes with yellow design elements. The top box is labeled 'Unicity Unimate' and describes it as an 'Ultra-concentrated yerba mate drink mix' with 'Lemon Ginger flavor.' The box below is branded 'Unicity Balance' and is tagged as 'The smart solution to balanced nutrition.' Both boxes feature the website '' at the bottom.

In 2021, Unicity officially launched the Feel Great System, which combines Unicity Balance with Unimate as a daily dietary routine. This system has taken a 35+ year proven product like Unicity Balance and combined it with the unique yerba mate drink for results unheard of, including reducing appetite, promoting fat-burning ability, decreasing leptin and insulin resistance, managing blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. The reason The Feel Great System has met with so much success so quickly is that it has been built on a foundation of scientific research and real-world stories of lives being changed for the better.

Unicity has always been committed to improving the lives of its customers through innovative and effective products. Their dedication to quality is evident in the rigorous testing and research that goes into the development of each of their products. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in their direct sales model, which allows customers to connect with others and share their experiences while also earning an income.

Unicity Balance is a testament to their commitment to excellence. It is the result of over 35 years of research and development and has been clinically proven to be an effective and natural alternative to traditional medications for managing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is a product that has helped countless people take control of their health and achieve their weight loss and fitness goals.

Embrace a Healthier Future with the Feel Great System

In the spirit of the carrying on with the Unicity-Rexall legacy, Unicity continues to lead the path of health and wellness innovation. With its flagship products, Unicity Balance and now Unimate, the company is revolutionizing the approach to natural health solutions. These products stand at the forefront of the industry, offering powerful, natural alternatives for managing weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels effectively.

The Feel Great System is more than just a set of products; it's a commitment to your health, drawing on over a century of trusted expertise and cutting-edge science. It represents a community of individuals dedicated to a healthier, more vibrant life, supported by Unicity's unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Now is the time to take control of your health. Whether you're looking to manage diabetes, reduce cholesterol, lose weight, or simply enhance your overall well-being, the Feel Great System is designed to meet your needs. With its scientifically backed formulation and the legacy of success, you're not just choosing supplements; you're choosing a healthier future.

Take the first step towards transforming your health today. Order your Feel Great System and join the countless others who have seen remarkable results. 

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Image of the box of Unimate yerba mate lemon flavor and Balance fiber matrix orange flavor with a glass of Balance fiber beside it and slices of oranges and lemon to show the natural flavoring in the drinks

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Disclaimer: This website, hosted by Doug Collins, is independently operated and not sponsored or administered by Unicity International, the founder and manufacturer of the Feel Great System products. Doug is an authorized distributor with Unicity. The content here is not intended as medical advice but as a sharing of knowledge from Doug's extensive research and experience, and his community. Always consult with a qualified health care professional before making health care decisions. Your use of this site indicates your acceptance of our Terms of Use and Copyright Notice. All content, including layout, design elements, images, and articles, is copyrighted. Reproduction, republishing, or duplication without prior written approval from Doug Collins is strictly prohibited.