Unicity Matcha is Refreshing, Energizing, Healthy and Taste Great
Oct 05, 2022
Unicity Matcha key ingredient is Chi-Oka Matcha. Matcha is the highest quality Matcha green tea available. There are so many reasons why the Japanese used ceremonial Chi-Oka Matcha green tea, and it has taken the world by storm over the last decade.
Matcha gives you all of the energy but none of the crash, and so many health benefits that if someone reads the research on Chi-Oka Matcha they will want to put this in their body every day.
This article will outline in detail the many health benefits and ingredients of Unicity Matcha.
History & Production of Matcha
It has been used in Tea ceremonies for centuries. Matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves. The preparation of Matcha starts several weeks before harvest, when the tea bushes are covered to prevent direct sunlight.
This slows down growth, turns the leaves a darker shade of green and causes the production of amino acids that make the resulting tea sweeter. Only the finest tea buds are handpicked, (this is called Tencha) and stone ground to the fine, bright green, talc-like powder known as Matcha.
It can take up to one hour to grind 30 grams of Matcha. Note that only ground tencha qualifies as Matcha, and other powdered teas are known as konacha ("powder tea"). The flavor of Matcha is dominated by its amino acids. The highest grades of Matcha have more intense sweetness and deeper flavor than the standard or coarser grades of tea harvested later in the year.
Health Benefits of Matcha
The health benefits of Matcha tea exceed those of green tea because when you drink Matcha you ingest the whole leaf, not just the brewed water. One glass of Matcha is the equivalent of 10 glasses of green tea in terms of its nutritional value and antioxidant content.
- Rich in Antioxidants and Chlorophyll
- Contains Catechins Only Found in Green Tea
- Naturally Mood Enhancing
- Zero on the Glycemic Index - will not raise insulin levels
- Sugar-free, High in Fiber
Exponentially Higher in Antioxidants than Blueberries and Spinach. Green teas contain a high number of antioxidants, chemically compounds known to forestall aging. Antioxidants are found in many fruits and vegetables – even chocolate.
A testing method known as ORAC – short for oxygen radical absorbance capacity, evaluates the antioxidant levels found in food. According to research done by Tufts University, the ORAC capacity of Matcha green tea is exponentially higher than other foods known for their high antioxidant's levels such as blueberries and spinach.
Renowned Cancer Fighting Catechin EGCg
Renowned Cancer Fighting Catechins are Only Found in Green Tea. Not all antioxidants are created equal. Antioxidants are found in many foods including fruits and vegetables. There are many types of antioxidants, however, the classes known as catechins are found in abundance in green tea, and these maybe the most potent of all. And of the catechins, EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate) is the catechin with broadest and most potent cancer-fighting properties. Sixty percent of the catechin content of Matcha tea is EGCg.
Cleansing the Body of Toxins
Rich in Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll is a Renowned Detoxifying Agent. Chlorophyll, the pigment which gives leaves their green color, helps to remove heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body.
Matcha powdered tea is fully ingested when consumed, unlike tea leaves which are infused then discarded, and because Matcha is shade grown, a process which increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves, Matcha tea is a chlorophyll rich food.
Amino Acids---Naturally Mood Enhancing
Matcha contains L-theanine, an amino acid known to relax the mind. For this reason, Matcha is also known as a mood enhancer. Buddhist monks drank Matcha to assist in meditation, as Matcha’s amino acids, combined with caffeine, offer a sustained calm alertness over time.
Amino acids are also what gives Matcha is distinctive taste. They contribute to what is known as the fifth taste, or umami, characterized by a rich creamy mouth feel. Unicity Matcha is made from the youngest, tenderest leaves, contains the highest levels of amino acid L-theanine.
L-theanine offers these benefits:
- Reduces mental and physical stress
- Reduces anxiety
- Improves cognition
- Increases dopamine out-put
- Promotes alpha wave production - you relax and still be alert
- Enhances mood
- Boosts T-cell response
- Improves immune response up to 5x higher
Stimulates production of GABA and tryptophan within 20 minutes
- Functions as a neurotransmitter
- Calms the body
- Increases mental alertness
- Beneficial for people with hypertension
- Found and needed for healthy brain in every region
Choline - Grouped with the Vitamin Bs
- 1998 classified as essential for the body
- Benefits neurotransmission
- Aids in tissue repair
- Aids the immune system
- Essential for structural integrity for cell membranes
- Essential for signaling roles for cell membranes…. this is a complex system of communication that governs basic cellular activities and co-ordinates cell action
- Known as a smart nutrient improving cognition and may improve IQ
- May improve memory
- Building block for neurotransmitters
- Contains MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) Mood elevator, anti-depressant
- Helps reduce body fat and can positively help reduce LDL. NOTE: Double Blind study in Japan showed at 690 mg per day reduced body fat and lowered LDL
- Reduction in atherosclerotic plaques
- According to Norman Hollenberg, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, epicatechin can reduce the risk of four of the major health problems: stroke, heart failure, cancer and diabetes.
- Helps protect the skin from UV radiation-induced damage and tumor formation.
- Green tea catechins have also been shown to possess antibiotic properties due to their role in disrupting a specific stage of the bacterial DNA replication process.
- Catechins, when combined with habitual exercise, have been shown to delay some forms of aging.
- A recent study has shown that daily catechin intake (588mg of catechin for 12 weeks) can reduce weight, especially body fat. With the daily intake of catechin, we can increase fat consumption in the liver. This leads to the decrease in body fat.
- The moment you put catechin into your mouth, it starts to work. Because of its sterilizing effect, it prevents viral infections, like the flu. In addition to that, it fights bacteria in the stomach to protect you from food poisoning. Amazingly, catechin manages to fight deadly bacteria and inhibits the growth of putrefactive bacteria without harming the friendly bacteria. This actually leads to the stimulation of the immune system in the body.
- Reduces stress damage to the cardio-vascular system
Resveratrol – derived from gape seeds
- Anti-aging
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Aids in recovery from exertion
- Lowers LDL
- Good for skin
- Protects body from stress
- Improves immune health
- Improves metabolic rate
- Lowers blood sugar levels
- As a prebiotic, Inulin fiber stimulates the growth of friendly and healthy intestinal bacteria which supports good colon health. Since it also has a very low glycemic index, it is suitable for many people who are on restricted diets.
- In spite of being considered a soluble fiber (breaks down in water), inulin resists breakdown in the stomach and the small intestine, and is not digested, which means inulin has virtually no caloric effects.
- Inulin will not raise blood sugar levels and for this reason is completely safe and encouraged for diabetics
- Inulin has also been shown to promote calcium absorption, which can prevent osteoporosis
- Inulin is a great prebiotic, and it survives the harsh acids encountered in the stomach and small intestine, making it available for consumption further down the line where probiotics await them.
- Blueberries actually have the high antioxidant capacity because of their large anthocyanin concentration.
- Proved to preserve vision
- Blueberries contain a huge list of phytochemicals - phenolic acid, anthocyanins (the pigment that makes them blue), ellagic acid (which may inhibit tumor growth), alphacarontene, beta-carotene (precursors to vitamin A), caryophyllene (possible anti-inflammatory), chlorogenic acid, eugenol, limonene, thymol (antiseptic and antifungal properties), catechins, tocopherols and tocotrienols (vitamin E family), to name a few.
- Rich in antioxidants
- Reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease
- Anti-viral properties
- Anti –bacterial properties
Vitamin Bs
- B vitamins are part of a large family of related vitamins, some of them have names, and most are numbered. When found in one supplement they are usually called B-complex.
- B vitamins are important not only for our physical health but contribute to our mental health as well. The vitamins work best as a team. You will notice that we have a healthy dose of Vitamin Bs.
Unicity Matcha also contains 1 extra ingredient which is Guarana.
- Suppresses appetite
- Increases energy
- Increases stamina
- Increases endurance
- Reduces intestinal gas
- Elevates mood
- Reduces fatigue
- Reduces cellulite production
- Anti-bacterial properties
- Detoxes blood
- Improves mental alertness
With the Unicity Chi-Oka Matcha you are drinking a whole food that is packed with so many vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and even amino acids that it could literally sustain your body energetically and nutritionally for hours at a time. Matcha simply means "powdered tea" is made from aged green tea leaves.
Taking Chi-Oka Matcha is like getting a whole plant versus a partial food. Therefore, Matcha is much more concentrated in every possible nutrient. Now is the time to try for yourself the healthy energy from Unicity Chi-Oka Matcha.
Unicity Matcha
Chi-Oka Matcha Drink
1 Box | 30 Packets
Feel Better Than You Have In Years!